Although there was no information in the gallery what was to come next or what happened to MA's dress, I happen to know for a fact that Marie Antoinette's dress is en-route to Versailles. It will be displayed in their upcoming exhibition called Fastes de la Cour et Ceremonies Royal or "Court Pomp and Royal Ceremony" which opens on March 31 and closes on June 28, 2009.
I will be in Versailles in May and look forward to seeing this lovely gown again. I'm fairly certain that it will look more beautiful at Versailles.
If you would like to read more about this dress, specifically its history and attribution, please see my postings from October and November 2008.
Court Pomp and Royal Ceremony, Chateau Versailles, France
March 31 - June 28, 2009
Court Pomp and Royal Ceremony, Chateau Versailles, France
March 31 - June 28, 2009
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