Hitting the Books....

Change... It is probably the only thing that is certain in life. Children grow up. Friends come and go. Careers morph. Loved ones die.

When I was younger, I thought I could plan my life. I remember making five year plans, ten year plans.... That seems laughable now, and over time, I've grown to embrace what life throws my way. Although there has been unspeakable heartbreak, I've also been incredibly blessed. And sometimes the thing that almost broke me turned into an opportunity for growth.  At this point, I rarely say no to an interesting proposition, even if it terrifies me....  and as a result, my life has taken me in totally unexpected directions.

When I began blogging about three years ago, I never would have imagined that I would get to the point where I could count curators and profs among my circle of friends. And now I've been given an opportunity to earn a place among them.... I was offered a spot in the Masters of Arts, Fashion program at Ryerson University in the fall. And even though some of these talented folk think that another masters degree is unnecessary, I am excited about this new chapter in my life. I once contemplated getting my Phd, but got sidetracked by my love of fancy frocks and a mortgage. But it's never too late to learn and apparently I'm not the only one. Alec Baldwin of 30 Rock is planning on pursuing a masters degree in politics at NYU and Richard Smith,  an 87 year old man in Florida  was recently awarded his Phd in history. If I live to 87, I will have had a long career in fashion!

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. 
                                                                            Anatole France


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